I am not one for New Year's resolutions, but as I quietly celebrate 37 1/2 with a cup of coffee as M plays in his playroom, these are my internal "to do's" for the moment...
I will not purchase anything I do not LOVE. As I work to recallibrate my shopping habit, this one is big. Shopping for things I LOVE is a much different experience than shopping to fill a void or become someone else or meet a new status level.
I will no longer wear things that are uncomfortable for the sake of a trend created by a 20-something fashion editor in NYC. This includes, but is not limited to, tops that are too tight, undergarments that are uncomfortable, and skinny jeans that do not properly fit my post-baby body.
I will embrace my sensitive nature instead of trying so hard to pretend I don't feel things as deeply as I do. Does that mean I have to react to EVERYONE and EVERYTHING? No. But after 37 1/2 years of being "too sensitive" I have decided that is who I am and I no longer need to worry about the comments section of an imaginary report card.
I will work to be OK with my kind of mothering. I do not need to have elaborate plans for our days or busy boxes and books or the perfect age appropriate crafts. I read another post this morning about how we can make our children's lives magical and I was so proud of all of the things I DO to make M's childhood special. I am going to hold on to that feeling.
And I will stop being in charge of other people's emotions. If my husband or friends or family have a bad day it is not my fault. I only make it worse by trying to take over their feelings. Today, I will give them the space to be who they are and believe that they love me unless they tell me otherwise.
A very merry unbirthday to me... and you... and you and you and you!
xo friends...
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